Also not crazy about how everyone’s skin is grey. I have all expansions and will have no problem with store content thanks to some great websites. otherwise I’d second the person who said saffron bay, also st claire :) cascadamoon. the save file version with all the sims + world was too much for my computer to handle for longterm gameplay though. when I used it the map was full of lots with things to do. And I’d say Midnight Hollow is the same, just a different kind of specificity (though the lore in that world is incredible). I'm trying to find some custom worlds that are primarily urban, populated, and require minimal or no cc. I think you probably have the wrong version of boroughsburg. Roaring Heights and Dragon Valley feel too specific period wise, and I can’t imagine playing either of them without making them 100% period accurate, which again, seems like a lot of effort. I couldn’t imagine playing in Sunlit Tides because I’d feel the need to turn off winter, and switching it off and on every time I played another world seems a lot. So many of the worlds I love but I can’t see myself playing just because of how niche they are. I also feel like it’s the perfect mix of beautiful and unique without being so specific that it could be limiting. I actually find it pretty hard to have more than one family, so really it’s the only world I’ve played for any length of time. And I picked it because I absolutely love Sims3Symbiote’s Monte Vista LP. Monte Vista’s my favourite, but I think that’s partly because I’ve played in it more than any other world.